Scratcher Joined 5 years, 1 month ago France
About me
This is my very old account with all my very old stuff on it, most of which is unshared and only for me to view :D
So you’d assume that I don’t post on this often and you’d be partially correct.-
What I'm working on
-That is because I may occasionally share an old passion project or whatnot, or reshare one that I took down.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (78)
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RESHARE cat VS dog MAP thumbnail by Wolf197
RESHARE cat VS dog MAP intro by Wolf197
RESHARE my Warrior cats art tests by Wolf197
Vibe by Wolf197
Pen carrot by Wolf197
Sign your name beside ur favorite eeveelutions! remix remix remix remix remix remix remix r..… remix by Wolf197
Wolfie ref by Wolf197
Why do you-warrior cats original song by Wolf197
Woof wars- 2 by Wolf197
You don’t scare me by Wolf197
64 bits. by Wolf197
When ur hungry for lumpia... by Wolf197
It’s back!!! by Wolf197
Feel good meme by Wolf197
running with the wolves AMV (GORE) by Wolf197
I’m to lazy to finish it on my main by Wolf197
We’ll be right back by Wolf197
Woof wars-1 by Wolf197
Gift 4 canarysong by Wolf197
Mayday- thumbnail entry by Wolf197
Favorite Projects
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Some sort of angry boi template? by wolf-raptor
Palm Tree Panic || Meme Template by wolf-raptor
Pen carrot revenge revenge by wolf-raptor
Clan Life Engine (LEADER GENDER UPDATE, WIP) by wolf-raptor
Warrior Cats: Clan Control by Aicaca
I'm back by _Mizukii_
(SAVE CODE IN DESC) Peonyclan-clan generator challenge by wolf-raptor
Peonyclan-chapter six by wolf-raptor
Peonyclan-chapter five by wolf-raptor
Peonyclan-chapter four by wolf-raptor
Peonyclan-chapter three by wolf-raptor
Peonyclan-chapter two by wolf-raptor
(UNREALISTIC BLOOD WARNING) Peonyclan-chapter one by wolf-raptor
Roses-animation meme (filler) by wolf-raptor
Mayday- a COMPLETED MAP by breycool25
dont say this isnt cool by kaaah
Dynasty meme template-CCE by wolf-raptor
Vibe by Wolf197
Icon Creator 4.0 by ipzy
Studios I'm Following
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My warrior cats original songs
Cat Helmets
Open 100+ pet cafe! Entries and stuff
EWTRTW map parts
Memes I made on this account
❊ Warrior Cats That Draw ❊ [TNE CONTEST CANCELLED]
How was this studio made?
Pro Studio
Wolf197_wolfpack membership reboot!
Featured on ScratchStats.com
Wings of fire club
warrior cats fan base
- The MAP Empire -
Maple's reading group
Woof wars
♡♡ CanarySong's Fanclub (rebooted) ♡♡
Completed MAPs
Studios I Curate
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My Games (?)
My Animation memes
My map parts
My warrior cats original songs
Open 100+ pet cafe! Entries and stuff
EWTRTW map parts
Memes I made on this account
~Profile Picture Requests~
Wolf197_wolfpack membership reboot!
Wings of fire club
Woof wars
The kin
Warrior Cats Fan Fiction (we write it together!)
Speed draws
Open species! (Don't accept invite, look at project)
Art requests!
<> Fogclan's Banishment RP| Signups <>
Nightclan RP
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