oscarbristow » Favorites (42)
Structure Mania by Time_Tripper
Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
Multiplayer Snake by oscarbristow
Advent Calender by oscarbristow
Maze by junebeetle
Animated Running by oscarbristow
Rotate by Leafo
Fascination Parlor by thevaudevillehouse
Crack V1.0.0 by thisisntme
spy game - tech demo V2 by oscarbristow
Don't Touch The Spikes by Houchdj
Car Anatomy™ TUNER Reboot by IguanaLover
Overshadowed v0.7 by griffpatch
Build Fight 1.0 by CraftedPixel
Terrain+ by CraftedPixel
3D racer! by oscarbristow
Random Island Generator by Quantan
SDS Dance Studio Thingymabob Entray. by MV42Rises
Loading... by oscarbristow
Death by space v.1.5 by nickydroids
Duet by CuteGrass
Liquid loading bar plus (beta 1.02) by CuteGrass
Caries against Monsters by jetpac
lighting engine by oscarbristow
COMBO-NATION! by oscarbristow
SuperKart by Greenyman
Dogems! by oscarbristow
Shoot The Lion by Jieshern
World Tokyo drift competition by oscarbristow
Infini-former by oscarbristow
Tokyo drift engine by oscarbristow
space invaders by oscarbristow
osCAR AI MK2 by oscarbristow
Dragon's Muffin Quest remix with phisics by oscarbristow
Asdfmovie (must see!) by xXGrimReactorXx
Space Tunnel by heldlaw
Randomizer with no randomizer blocks! by georgeskey
Memory Madness by YoshiCreations
happy scratch day !!!!!!!!! by justdoit0000
Happy Scratch Day 2015 by aitan
;o; 1.3 (A Platformer Entirely Made Out of Text) by -Aquatic-
Space Blaster by oscarbristow