CodeVAeducator » Shared Projects (14)
Santa Claus by CodeVAeducator
Hunting for a Turkey by CodeVAeducator
Sample 1 by CodeVAeducator
Mouse Joke by CodeVAeducator
A Day in the Life of Ruth by CodeVAeducator
Little Miss Muffet by CodeVAeducator
Class Samples by CodeVAeducator
Lesson 4 - Mild (Question): Vowel Counting Crab remix by CodeVAeducator
Lesson 3 - Mild - ftfaust by CodeVAeducator
Lesson 2 - Mild - ftfaust by CodeVAeducator
Lesson 1 - Medium remix - ftfaust by CodeVAeducator
Loop lesson by CodeVAeducator
Pick a Number by CodeVAeducator
Animate a Name - CodeVA by CodeVAeducator