AtaurVoice » Favorites (27)
Game Idea Generator by theChAOTiC
Virtual Fidget Spinner by jromagnoli
Pen Platformer by RacingAce
Chicken Attack by AtaurVoice
Untitled by AtaurVoice
Disney Fairy Maker by ipzy
New Super Mario Bros. Wii For Scratch by Brad-Games
ScratchStory Not Done!!! by AtaurVoice
How to make a character jump: A Script by 110Percent
to the sky , a platformer by jacobjoel
Sans Painter! by GarrettVoice
WARNING: VERY EXTREMELY HARD The Rage Pen Maze :D by AtaurVoice
Maze by AtaurVoice
Scratch Ops Zombies (read all instructions once) by AtaurVoice
Stay in the Middle with a 'You Died' Animation by rjiang
Tobu - Candyland by AtaurVoice
Tobu - Candyland [NCS Release] by ScratchNCS
Music Video (not done) by AtaurVoice
80's Reeses Commercial Remake by -IcyMango-
Centuries by Chocolate_Queen
MY HAIR!!! ITS ALIVE! by AtaurVoice
Avoid the ball as Link!!! (BETA) by AtaurVoice
UnderRider by GarrettVoice
About Me! by AtaurVoice
About Phone by VictorVoice
Changes remix by AtaurVoice