Scratcher Joined 5 years, 4 months ago United States

About me

HiGhScHoOl Is ToTaLlY nOt StReSsFuL. fInDiNg TiMe FoR aNyThInG iS 100% eAsY aNd FuN. i DoN't KnOw WhAt ThEsE hIgH sChOoLeRs MeAn WhEn ThEy SaY iT's DiFfIcUlT.

What I'm working on

After a decently long Hiatus, I have returned to keep making Fortune Clicker. DeBugGiNg Is So MucH FuN And I hAvE to MaKE it GooD oThErWiSe No OnE wIlL EnJoY iT. TrY IT oUt, Or DoNt.
there it is-->

Fortune Clicker - WIP

What I've been doing


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