Catalana Bay AU: Cape Genevieve, CA
Okay. So same rules and everything, but in modern times. Rather than kingdoms, they all live in the city. The same characters are used in both, but your actions in one do not affect the other.
High School:
Cape Genevieve's Academy for Gifted Children
Catarina O' Shea- PG2000
Area O' Shea- PG2000
Sheldan O' Shea- PG2000
Selia O' Shea- PG2000
Willow Whitechapel- EchoSoul
Lavina Val- Echo
Lucius Val- Echo
Titus Val- Echo
Link Trish- Cattie
Nikki Trish- Cattie
Enna Redfern- PG2000
Igor Abbey- Echo
Tristan Brickorn- Cattie
Shela Brickorn- Cattie
Steffan Brickorn- Cattie
Lily Brickorn- Cattie
Archimedes Brun- PG2000
Leya Brun- PG2000
Melody Brun- PG2000
Hazel Brun- PG2000
Jaxson Brun- PG2000
Arya Brun- PG2000
Simon Brun- PG2000
Daphne Wissex- Echo
Gunner Trajiik- Echo
Captain Ryder- Cattie
Sergeant Michael- PG2000
Cassidy Wissex- Echo
Faltessa Strutts- Echo
Lucetta Strutts- Echo
Sylvan Hearta- PG2000
Hyacinth Rouge- Echo
John Doe- PG2000
Vladimir- Cattie
Anastasia- Cattie
Dr. Mikhail Shrike- Echo
Reverend Crician Shrike- Echo
Romarie Wissex-Val- Echo
Elizabeth Wells- Cattie
Ariana Carter- PG2000
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