YOU CAN ONLY NOMINATE YOURSELF ONCE hi welcome to the scratch awards studio pls nominate games for 2018 in comments of the studio CATORGRIES OF NOMINATION: BEST PROJECT BEST GAME BEST ANAMITION BEST RPG BEST PLATFORMER BEST CLICKER BEST OTHER GAME NOMANTIONS END 2019 BEST PROJECT GAME AND ANAMTION WILL RECEIVE 1st 2nd and 3rd NOMANATIONS: Doge miner (beta) by thediamondbrosTDB for best project, game and clicker Poking Wicket-Animatic by luigiman25 for best anamation dons restrant by raichucool for best game project and other Don't you hate it when this happens 3 by fnaflr for best project best animation Pick A Poptart by popcheese41 for best project, other game and game