Newsies RP Studio
This studio is for anyone who likes Newsies! PLEASE ONLY NEWSIES PROJECTS! Ask to join in the comments! Say your character Name, Age, and a little description of your character. Have fun! :) Note- you can have already existing characters from the movie/musical Characters: Katherine Plumber - @kallie0182 Spot Conlon - @S3MackenzieR Willow- @kallie0182 Sasha-@ImARandomGamer Crutchie - @shakespeare33 Crutchie - @cough_drop Roxy - @withered_love Jack Kelly - @sachis567 Katherine Plumber - @cs2064659 Racetrack - @BroadwayForever Les - @twilightlink101 MANAGERS @S3MackenzieR @kallie0182 CURATORS @Alicorn999 @Clovestar @DerpBoxProductions @ImARandomGamer @cough_drop @sachis567 @MAKARNACIM @Lollypoppower5 @star_butterfly21 @cocobug11 @hazelbutt @gogogammer @shakespeare33 @TheRealEDM101 @zaza2207 @Gem_Animations @RacerIIIFury @Lexia99 @withered_love