Help Me? Terrible art... but WHATEVER _ _ _ jjewell "Stop conversing with the savages!" - - - ScarletStreams Pony came to watch the scene , wondering if Swift would cause any chaos. "So... do you feel my level of crazy , Lily's level of crazy , Tapir's level of crasy , Dustykit's level of crazy , or Terrences level of crazy?" he questioned him. jjewell "I don't know who a- fingers." Swift barked ScarletStreams "Terrence level of crazy it is!" Astrid declared. jjewell "Gimme dat chicken nugget, you crazy mushroom!" Swift yelled at her. ScarletStreams "Dont go bother Diane!" Astrid ordered. jjewell Swift just stared at her. "I am not a koala! I love the window, because my toe is huge." ScarletStreams "Okay!" Astrid okayed. jjewell Swift did not seem happy. "The large turtle told me to empty a bucket. So I watered a tomato plant named Terry and ate some children." ScarletStreams Astrid laughed in a confused manner and Pony was slowly trying to get out of camp. jjewell Swift ran towards pony. "Hey, you toenail! Come and say you're a frog made of Doritos!" ScarletStreams "I- I'm a f-frog made of Doritos????" jjewell "YYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Swift screeched. "The tiny foot has awaken! Clouds eat you all!!" ScarletStreams "What have we done..." Pony whispered. jjewell "Doom." Swift agreed. ScarletStreams Pony hid behind Lily. jjewell Lily stared at him and ran behind him. ScarletStreams Astrid ran behind both of them. jjewell Lily sighed and walked over to her "brother". "This may be the only thing that works. Swift, are you a rock?" she asked. Swift had a strange look on his face. "The water is very ni- What just happened?" _ _ _ jjewell "Maybe this isn't grass at all! Maybe it's like... moldy... dead stuff." _ _ _ jjewell "OH GLORIOUS ALPHA DRAGON CAN YOU SHOW ME THE WORLD, SHINING SHIMMERING SPLENDID??" Lily howled. _ _ _ jjewell "Sure! DRAGON COME I SUMMON THEE!!!" _ _ _ jjewell "Where do you think it lives? And besides, look what happened last time we wrecked someone's den. We got a fake dragon to kill us with sound!"


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