The Unnoticed Club
This is a little group where unnoticed scratchers can hang out and check out each other's stuff. I figured if we all looked at other people's projects who have the need for follows, more people would see it. HOW TO JOIN: Give me a link to one, ONLY ONE of your projects in the comments. RULES: In order for me to let you in, you must have less than 100 follows. I don't mean to exclude, but if you had any more, you wouldn't exactly be unnoticed. Don't spam me with your projects. Once I add it, I will almost instantly invite you to curate. Nothing inappropriate. If you reach 100 followers, please stop being active in this studio, again not to exclude. (You can still continue to follow it, though.) I also may demote you if you are still active in this at 100. Don't take offense. Also, remember that the point of this studio is to "hang out," not advertise. MANAGERS: If I reach 100, I will back out, but still, please don't edit the instructions, just let people in. And PLEASE don't change the thumbnail, I made it myself, unless someone has a VERY EXTREME problem with it, and even then, please ask me first. Also, just keep on promoting people to managers. All managers can answer comments and promote people. ~ @Flappy_Balloon