Lost rp
All four clans went to battle and fight off the strong rogues who are trying to invade. The clan cats are defeated and are split into many groups when escaping. Be the adventure as the future awaits. Rules: 1, The cats split up, they must not meet eachother unless @cookiestorm says so. 2,No powers unless you got permission. 3, Enjoy.And don't be mean to people. Groups: Story: Cookie hears a yowl. "We must go," she said sadly. Paw steps trudging on the way. She gathers the kits and elders. Cookie sighs. She hurries the elders and kits to leave quickly. Cookie notice one cat, Flameclaw, the medicine cat who got left behind, softly crying and praying for the others to make it through. "Come on, guys, we should go now, toward the moor far away," And so they did. Cookie-F- @cookiestorm Flame-M-@cookiestorm Frostkit-F-@shrieky_does_rps Minnowkit-F-@Fishbucket101 Lionkit-M-@Fishbucket101 Crowkit-M-@Fishbucket101 3 elders and 1 kits (you sign up as one of them.) Story:"Follow me," Icestar yowls, though only a few Thunderclan cats heard him. About 5 warriors follow him to the twoleg place. Icestar is sadden to see his home destroyed. Icestar- open Greenpaw-F-@shrieky_does_rps 4 warriors Other cats- Storm-M-@shrieky_does_rps


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