Redwall Roleplay

@FoxFriend79 (little sister) and I (@TacoCatBackwards133) decided to create a Roleplay about our favorite book series: Redwall!
Anybeast can join, as long as you've either read one or all books of Redwall or if your interested but haven't read it.
The basic theme here is midevil half- anthropomorphic (standing on 2 legs) creatures like mice, squirrels, hares, otters, badgers, voles, hedgehogs, rats, weasels, stoats, ferrets, pine martins, wildcats, foxes, etc.
This Roleplay will be set in a time where many seasons (the years in this world) have passed after the last book, The Rogue Crew, ended.
The Salamandastron Long Patrol hares and the Rogue Crew otters have shared the ship with wheels called the Posy Gurdy since ages ago, the hares on land, and the otters on water. Peace has been on that part of earth for a long time, and few things have changed. The sky still alters, and time goes on, families have been made, tribes created, babes born and loved ones passed on to Dark Forest, smiles put on and tears shed.
Such is life.
But one day, two evil, dangerous creatures, young adults both, started making their own bands of vermin. They only began small, and grew slowly, became armies, then hordes.
Seasons passed and both creatures had gotten older. Smarter. More horrible than before.
Azztharess the Reaper the ferret had built a ship as big as the red slave ship Goreleech, frightening many to join him with his sharp, oversized canines and snakeish voice to scare them.
The Odditie, a fox colored gold and silver, also grew an army of his own, mainly other foxes and a few rats and weasels. He used no fear, only temptation and his lying tongue to lure them in. He called this army the Strangerbeasts, which was a dangerous, nomadic band.
Greed and lust does many things for these creatures. They want more.
They are coming.
•DO NOT kill somebeast's OC without asking. If you did this, you will be put on a 5-day block from roleplaying (but you can post).
•Your OCs that are under a higher-ranking OC (example: Abbot/ Abbess, the Odditie, Warchief, etc) must listen to that higher ranked, unless you wanted that OC to get in trouble. That could be a good plot thing right there, y'know!
•only post Redwall related projects in here please.
That's all.
-Tribes, crews or societies-
(Co-rolelplayed by @TacoCatBackwards133 and @FoxFriend79, possibly @Fox_0f_Redmoss_Isles)
Abbot/Abbess: N/A
Infirmary Keeper and assistants: Sister Lilac the otter, Brother Matt the mouse, Dibbun Keki Leafbrush (all owned by yours truly, @TacoCatBackwards133)
Gardener and herbalist: Old Rowanrose and Brother Matt the mouse (also owned by me)
Friar and assistant: N/A
Recorder: Brother Lewis the otter (mine, but you can take it if you want)
Other: Bastion the mouse (@FoxFriend79), Skipper Riverstrengh (@TacoCatBackwards133)
The Rogue Crew
(All characters roleplayed by @TacoCatBackwards133)
Warchief: Groolum Saberdog
Firstborn: idk... I'll call him Bob for now...
Burblack of Gingervera
Creekswift Speedpaw
Badger Ruler: Lord Broadpaw the Ferocious
High-ranking hares:
N/A for now
Low-ranking hares:
N/A for now
N/A for now
Leader: The Odditie (@TacoCatBackwards133)
Flamebrush (@FoxFriend79)
(More needed)
Azztharess's horde AKA crew of the Deathwish:
Azztharess, ofc (@TacoCatBackwards133)
Scrapear the rat (I give him to @FoxFriend79)
If wanted, Curators and Managers can take existing tribes not listed.
See ya!
The hey, my cat startled me
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