Adopt a cat!

Hi! on this studio, you can adopt cats. Though to adopt cats, you need "Tokens" (we'll talk about tokens later). The more tokens your cat costs, the more valuable it is when trading.
What are tokens and how do you get them?
Well, tokens are like money you use to adopt a cat! to get tokens, you need to post AT LEAST one project on this studio. (1 project=10 tokens)
How do I get cats?
Once you have your first 10 tokens you can get a cat! To get a cat, go to this link:
and then, you have a cat!
How do I trade cats?
To trade cats, you go to the comments and say what cat you have and say you're willing to trade. If someone decides to trade with you, you can ask what cat they will trade, and see how valuable it is and if they're willing to trade, you have that cat!
Do I need to do anything with the project section?
Of course we know that you need to post at least 1 project to get a cat but, once you get that cat, you need to post how you got that cat and what cat it is. for a base, click this link: LINK
Can I get more than 1 cat at a time?
yeah :)
1. be kind
2. no scamming unless its okay with both traders
3. do not break the rules
4. do not skip making a project on how you got the cat
5. have fun!
If u have any questions, just ask me
in the comments!
("me" meaning @geekgirl32 )
btw can u follow me if u have time? :3
breeds of cats!
White cat=10 tokens
Black cat=20 tokens
Siamese=30 tokens
Scottish fold=40 tokens
Calico cat=50 tokens
Orange cat=50 tokens
Toyger=50 tokens
Ragdoll=50 tokens
Persian=60 tokens
Sphinx=60 tokens
American shorthair=60 tokens
Maine Coon=70 tokens
Turkish Van=70 tokens
Munchkin=80 tokens
Nyan cat=1500 tokens
Managers: don't add anyone else to be a manager! Only the first 5 ppl to join get to be it!!