If I invite you ur cool and I see you in rps H Y B R I D R P _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- current Thumbnail by me. ________________________ Introduction Rules Species How to join managers Other.. v I N T R O D U C T I O N v - Pyria is a beautiful world full of diverse species and characters, and it's full of many animals, mythical and real animals, all gather here. v R U L E S v - Hate the character, not the user. - Be a nice roleplayer - //use this for out of character speaking// - Pyria is diverse and kind, we accept everyone here. - No being too OP. - Keep violence to a minimum. - Keep romance to a minimum. - Basic scratch rules. - you can have however many OCS you want as long you use all v S P E C I E S v - The main thing about this is that everyone is half animal or mythical creature. They have an animal form, and a hybrid form. [Codeword: sleeping] The hybrid form has some features of the animal (ears, horns, eyes, fangs, wings, tail, claws, etc.) - Animals can be anything, but if you do an ocean animal you have to be in water sometimes, stuff like that. - Mythical hybrids have to be second character, you need to be a normal animal hybrid for your first character .how to join. - Read rules - Read species stuff - [username | oc name | hybrid animal | human looks/features | animal features| pronouns+gender | sexuality | personality | codeword | extra] managers... - managers are my friends and people who could benefit the RP. how to be a manager? - be nice. - help ppl if they need it - be active Other… OC STORAGE!!! https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34941913 OOC - out of character NT - for when youre continuing a rp with someone because of reply limit (please add their username) ORP - open roleplay CRP - closed roleplay (add username)


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