The Official Window Husbandry Studio

a place for discourse, advice, and general info on window husbandry!
rules (serious):
1. don't be mean. please. hate, bigotry, bullying, insults, etc. is not allowed in this studio.
2. if you're commenting something unrelated every once in a while or something that's fine, just don't put any unrelated projects.
3. no spam or advertising.
4. if you are a wonderful window wizard (see faqs), please do not discuss info on how we make food/medicine, it is (as we all know) classified.
that's it! have fun.
oh wait i need to answer faqs
Q. what is window husbandry?
A. the practice of breeding and taking care of windows.
Q. aren't windows inanimate objects?
A. not always. a standard window most often is inanimate. special live windows can be bought from people called "wonderful window wizards".
Q. wait—wonderful window wizards?
A. yeah. you have to get a degree in wonderful window wizardry. anyone can be a wonderful window wizard as long as they get the proper education.
Q. do you have to be a wonderful window wizard to join the studio?
A. not at all! anyone can join.
Q. what if you buy one from an uncertified wonderful window wizard?
A. most likely it will either be inanimate/only partially alive or it will have some type of illness.
Q. are there breeds of window?
A. yes, there are several breeds of window. can't get into them now though, it would be too much.
Q. do windows live on land, air, or water?
A. mostly land. occasionally you may find windows that can fly, however, and most windows can be trained to swim.
Q. what do i feed a window?
A. window food can be bought at a local store, or at the house of a wonderful window wizard. the recipe is secret though.
Q. are windows hard to care for?
A. generally, no. they are very gentle and cat-like, but without the "messing up your house/life" part
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