Q&A Studio
(Q&A Or Questions & Answers) Anyone is able to join this studio ect.. ----------------------------------------- Also There BE ALLOWED & NOT ALLOWED Rules With The Topics Down Below ----------------------------------------- ----[NOT ALLOWED]---- 1.Sensitive topics ------------------------------------------ 2.Bullying & Harassment ------------------------------------------ 3.Begging or Clout For Followers (Example I NEED FOLLOWERS NOW ect...) ------------------------------------------ 4.Anything else will be on the scratch Community Guidelines ------------------------------------------ Here:https://scratch.mit.edu/community_guidelines ------------------------------------------ [ALLOWED] ------------------------------------------ 1. F4F ALLOWED ------------------------------------------ 2. check out or adding scratch links to check out there project or studios ect... ------------------------------------------ 3. adding or ASKING to be Curators ***NOTE you may ask me or any other people that might have Rights to be Curators IF YOU BE RESPECTFUL TO OTHERS (ASK @Lxar for PERMISSION TO KICK OR BAN INCASE OF A SITUATION***)