||Starlight||- ShadowClan

Arrogant and somewhat greedy, Shadowclan is known for it's aggressiveness to other clans and ambitious attitude
It is currently Leaffall, fights start breaking out as prey starts to vanish, clans are starting to increase patrols, assuring no prey is stolen
Moonshadow has become leader, taking on the name Moonstar!
No powers! ((This gets very out of hand))
No prophecies without permission! I've got a limit per generation, so it's not too chaotic 0/5 so far ((This also gets very out of hand))
NO homophobia, or racism, this is an all people friendly roleplay!
NO Harming/ K!lling/ Mating/ Controlling / being kin to/ Other/ To anyone without permission
TWO character per person. Not Three, not Four, TWO.
NO unnatural pelts
Hate the character, not the scratcher
You need permission to be a leader or deputy
Any projects that aren't related to this roleplay will be removed!
S= She-cat
NB= Non-binary
Leader: Moonstar 9/9 |S| 21 | @Aurorapool |
Deputy: N/A
Medicine cat: N/A
Warriors: Forestcloud |NB|17| @trainee
Cats: 1
Sign-Ups: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32022843
ThunderClan: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32071395
WindClan: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32071840
ShadowClan: (You are here!)
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