||Starlight||- ShadowClan
Arrogant and somewhat greedy, Shadowclan is known for it's aggressiveness to other clans and ambitious attitude *-----------------------------------------------------* It is currently Leaffall, fights start breaking out as prey starts to vanish, clans are starting to increase patrols, assuring no prey is stolen --------------------------*---------------------------- *---------------------*News*----------------------* Moonshadow has become leader, taking on the name Moonstar! *--------------------------*--------------------------* Rules No powers! ((This gets very out of hand)) No prophecies without permission! I've got a limit per generation, so it's not too chaotic 0/5 so far ((This also gets very out of hand)) NO homophobia, or racism, this is an all people friendly roleplay! NO Harming/ K!lling/ Mating/ Controlling / being kin to/ Other/ To anyone without permission TWO character per person. Not Three, not Four, TWO. NO unnatural pelts Hate the character, not the scratcher You need permission to be a leader or deputy Any projects that aren't related to this roleplay will be removed! *--------------------------*-------------------------* S= She-cat T=Tom NB= Non-binary *----------*----------* Leader: Moonstar 9/9 |S| 21 | @Aurorapool | Deputy: N/A Medicine cat: N/A Warriors: Forestcloud |NB|17| @trainee Apprentices: Queens: Kits: Elders: Cats: 1 --------------------Excused----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------Deceased---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- *---------------------Links--------------------* Sign-Ups: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32022843 ThunderClan: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32071395 WindClan: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32071840 RiverClan: ShadowClan: (You are here!)


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