The second bambi cult
revivers lol this is secon bambier cult yea thats all only include bambi projects solve this for 50 bambi points MESUZHDHPSAUF XADGFEYFGHUFE ZXZXHUQBEUOHF ZXBECJIJDSCHNC ASXSJXSJNXSJNE SXJNXSJBAMBISX SCORNXSANJXSN if you want curator, just ask. if you want manager, you have to: - be someone i trust/be a friend - be in the studio for 5+ days managers get a free pass so they dont have to upload strictly bambi/dave related projects this is the og revived sussy bambi cult except for one sad NO non bambi projects uh s5KJQCbVeA if you know, you know. moldygh knows this exist what