The chatty studio!
Hi! Welcome to the chatty studio! This is a place for scrachers to chat, add their games, and more! Also, one more thing, if your invited to this studio, please write your name in the curators down below ⬇ Thank you!
These are the guidelines to this studio, so please pay attention to this. Thank you! ㋡
1.Please dont start fights with other people, dont say bad things, and dont advertise, just put you projects in the "Projects" section.
2.Dont put scary/bad things in your project before puting it in the projects section.
3.Please be kind to other people.
4.if you have a complaint/problem, please proseed to the "Curators" section and click the first one you see.
5.Have fun! :)
Thank you for seeing the instuctions, bye! :)
-@Fnaf_foxy_dude (Studio Host)