(can someone make a icon I’m bad at making icons XD) Hey there! Wanna know what this studio is about? Well this studio is where me and my friends hangout and just have fun! ======================== PEOPLE YOU NEED TO FOLLOW: @CAT_NINJA_456 @Oorwlly @tealandtaco (There’s more but the managers can fix that sorry if your not on here) =========================== OK NOW THE BEST PART RULES: ❌ NO being mean ✅ Appreciate others ❌ NO SPAMMING ✅ If someone is spamming hate to you report their comments and ignore them ✅ Hanging out! =========================== MANAGER RULES: ❌ Don’t kick people ✅ Hanging out! That’s really it xD ========================== MANAGER CHAT: Solar: Hello xD


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