Sonic CD but you guys absolutely ruin it

tldr make scd cursed
CHANGES (vol 2)
he becomes amogus and dies every .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX seconds
Everytime sonic encounters a boss, he moves at 1/100th of his normal speed. Also, he gets that boss' spawn egg, unlimited supply, and it randomly spawns that boss.
Sonic moves faster every time he dies
you die everytime you respawn
Random FNF songs play every single time there is sound (the studio is dead but whatever)
to get a ring, you must mine obsidian with your bare fist in minecraft (3 times) and when you get a ring you have a 99/100 chance of having sonic explode and you're banned from playing half of sonic cd
every time stone is a bfdi character depending on the color
everyone becomes short when you crouch but they become longer and so does their hitbox and they become double as short and double as long so dont crouch or spin because that counts as crouching i think