If you could please sign this it would make my day. It's a petition to stop Securly, a web filtering system. Schools can see what you do, what you type, what you read. Please pitch in!! Let's end this! Securly gives us no privacy at all, and the web filtering filters the smallest little things, even if it's for a school project. Thank you all who sign!!
Please invite people!!
Drat. I just noticed that some people have it (the petition link) BLOCKED by SECURLY.
Please share this with others :>
Ma god @Booklover12345678910 just alerted us that Securly blocked the word "Pride"
Hapara Highlights is also pretty bad.
TW: guns)) Also, it sometimes interferes with school when it blocks your google search if it has anything remotely dangerous. Example: I searched up, "Winchester gun company" because I was researching the Winchester mystery house. But it filtered the search so I couldn't research the Winchester house.