Blobcats-taking requests!
Hewo everyone! I will be taking Blobcat requests! Check out the thumbnail ^ to see what I’m talking about. To get a drawing of your chosen cat, fill out this form: Name//appearance (If you want add an eye colour if you don’t I’ll just do them black like in the thumb)//position (sitting, lying down, on back, crouching, playing)//kitten or cat?//background colour//any writing? If so Blob font (in thumb) or normal font? What colour? What do you want it to say? I can do surprises! RULES: Be nice Scratch friendly pls Don’t send me a project with the bio just put it in the comments No changing the desc if you are manager Invite ppl if manager Don’t be annoyed with me I try my best to get things done quickly Don’t send overly complicated bios just keep it simple NO STEALING MY BLOBCATS GIVE CREDIT IF USING THEM AND ASK PERMISSION FROM ME FIRST You can use yours as a pfp if you want just give credit to me Thank you!