Stuff Put Through Google Translate

Hi, and welcome! Put stuff you have put through google translate in the comments (Add what it was originally, too), and if it's too long, you can add it to the desc, if you're a manager.
Long ones:
"One of the teachers, Whistle, is in Dvolex's nest this time." You don’t always want to hide kittens from wolves. But they had been misreading the firefighter for months. But the story does not fall into the category of kittens as a misspelling for any collection. Of course Windglan knows. He came back, especially as a student. "You lived in the Duvolek mine for two months. Is this your mouse?"
Was originally: “One of the apprentices whispered loudly, “I’m not surprised he wants to hide in a Twoleg nest—once a kittypet, always a kittypet.” Fireheart bristled. He hadn’t heard that insult for several moons. But the story that a kittypet had joined a Clan must have made rich gossip at any Gathering. Of course WindClan would know. He whipped around and glared at the apprentice. “You’ve spent two moons living in a Twoleg tunnel. Does that make you a rat?”
(OG) You wake me up
And it breaks my heart
That you're perfectly imperfect You're hurting but you're worth it You don't know why I would waste my time
But I'm falling and I mean it
I want you like I need it
There's nothing you could try to change my mind
'Cause I'm in love with you
(TRANSLATED) Hurricane
I have a broken heart
You're not perfect
They are shy, but it is worth it
I do not know why I'm just wasting time
But I have read the book
I love
Nothing is better
Because we like it
(The song is "Perfectly Imperfect")
“One of the apprentices whispered loudly, “I’m not surprised he wants to hide in a Twoleg nest—once a kittypet, always a kittypet.” Fireheart bristled. He hadn’t heard that insult for several moons. But the story that a kittypet had joined a Clan must have made rich gossip at any Gathering. Of course WindClan would know. He whipped around and glared at the apprentice. “You’ve spent two moons living in a Twoleg tunnel. Does that make you a rat?”
The student said: "He wants to hide in Tolosa's hut. I'm not surprised - he was a cat once, and he used to be a cat." The person who caught fire was separated. He has been listening to the news of this blasphemy for months. But Keith’s story of ethnic cleansing turns into gossip at every meeting. Of course, Vandella must know. He turned his head to look at the student. When they were in the Toles Cave, they were hacked for two months. Did the mouse create you?
Original: “It’s not his last life,” she rasped, “and even if it were, I couldn’t kill him.” “Why not? StarClan would honor you for it.” Fireheart could not believe her words. The name Brokenstar had always made this old she-cat bristle with rage. Yellowfang dragged her gaze from Brokenstar and looked at Fireheart. Her eyes clouded with pain and grief as she murmured, “He is my son.”
Translate: "It's not his last life" he heard "even if it were, I couldn't kill him." StarClan is a cross-sectional railway. This is a fire victim. Brokenstar is an old-fashioned name-bristle and rage. Yellowfang details the mass capture data.
Original: "Queen Glory of the RainWings. That'll be my name in the history scrolls — not Glory the mistake, or Glory the lazy RainWing, or Glory who could never be as good as some nameless SkyWing who died six years ago. I'm responsible for all these dragons now. […] I'll protect them. I'll lead them. I'll make them — us — a tribe we can be proud of. Glory, the queen who chose her own destiny, saved her subjects, and turned her tribe into the greatest dragons in all of Pyrrhia."
Translated into half of the languages: - Queen of summer. Hmong Vietnamese eat poison. The vision of heaven has been gone for years. "Like lizards all the time ... big nations rescue their slaves and turn their children into lizards all the time."
Translated into most of the languages: -Lion Leader. Vietnamese refugees eat it. There are many years in heaven. "He is like a wall
Translated into more than most of the languages: The main character is a lion. Vietnamese can get. It was in the air for many years. "It simply came to our notice then
Translated into ALL OF THE LANGUAGES: Cumba is a Vietnamese lion. They float in the air for many years. It caught our attention.
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