Welcome to my nightmare // a RP

Hello, the is sort of a horror story/action rp. Please be active and invite your followers.
Your in high school, it’s 3:00, it’s friday, and you can’t wait to get out of school. When the sky goes dark blackish portals open sending monsters everywhere one crashes through the school wall, all you here is screaming before you can even scream your standing over the monsters dead body. More fly toward you and some else punches one miles away you back up and you bump into some girl and the monster slashes trough your chest and the girl leans over and there’s a green glow on her hands that heals you and she looks tired and then you somehow use your superspeed to kill the rest of the monsters with the other kids that also have powers. But out the window there’s a huge dark fuigre with golden strings flying out of his hands
-No OP people with there powers
-Romance is allowed kept it PG
-Blood and gore is allowed keep it PG13
-be nice
-one power for curators two for managers
-managers are the leaders basically
-create groups and tell a manager
Aaron @-stormshade-
Name/gender/sexuality/looks/power/s/personality/skills(no more than 3)/weaknesses (at least 2)/where’s/who there family/backstory (optional)/
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