
Cucu! Welcome to Cucu army!
So first, you might not know what a “Cucu” is. Cucus are a very cute jellybean-shaped creature. ( made up ) Second of all, We, Cucus, are a very nice kind of creature. But they will chase you down when provoked, causing the whole army to attack. Also, Cucus are in danger. They are dying of a strange acid called Hydrofluoric Acid . Also be sure to be a member! Just ask me in the comment section! Also, you can be a SGS ( SecretGurumiService ) or SCP ( secure, contain and protect ) For SGS, pass the test, ( comment ) and for SCP, comment what SCP you want to be ( ex. SCP 096 SCP 049, many more ) and pass the test!
Link to the den:
Link to pup's place:
Put #CucuArmy in your profile to show yo support!
Comments section reopened! 1:23 pm, We’d Jul 14
NOTICE: Every project you post, it saves a Cucu from being eliminated!
1. Do not be mean to your allies, or other Cucu troops.
2. Do not advertise in the comments
3. You will not be promoted if you ask for.
4. do not judge other Cucus by their ranks.
5. The leader Cucu wants you to make a lot of projects!
Notice! -SecretGurumi-
When you first join, you will be a pup
You will also be protected by warriors.
After about a week, you would be a Cucu. You will also have to follow orders from warriors and comfort pups. You can also choose a job-spies or fighters or supporters or nurses or stuff. Learn more in the job section.
You would be captain if you have been in 3 little fights. You can also order Cucu troops and teach pups.
You will also be called "sir" by Cucus but not pups and generals.
You will be a general; the highest rank when you have been in 10 big wars! You will also receive protection from Cucus.
=other stuff=
You can be promoted if you do the Cucu training. ( passing is not easy! )
Fighters: uh... sneak in and remove people from enemy armies ( not in the harmful way )
Spies: sneak in to enemy studios and steal information
Supporters: support fighters
Nurses: invite people that got removed
@AtomicCucu, @Ianwpark
@CromaQ @Hayoon123456
@griffpatch @WazzoTV @Sharkyshar
Snake army
⚡ The Official Pikachu Army! ⚡
Imposter army
Ocean army
Donut army
yeeted Army
History book
@alliteration for being the first man to set foot in the comment section
@hayoon123456 for being