Welcome to the oof shop where every oof drip is possible buy anything or every oof stuff (yea anything) (d i s a s t e r) there is only one rule other than follow the community guidelines C U R R E N C Y: OOFBUX R U L E S: OOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOFOOF> YEAH ooooooooof M E N U: :OOF DRIP UP ON TOP 20 OOFBUX :DESPACITO SPIDER AS YOUR PET. 100000000000000 OOFBUX :OOFWAY (SUBWAY) 10 OOFBUX :OOFIE FRUITIES 30 OOFBUX. :OOFTARTS (POPTARTS) 50 OOFBUX S T U F F: :OOFMASK 120 OOFBUX :RANDOM OOF BUTTON 60 OOFBUX :OOFSHIRT 16 OOFBUX :OOFBAG 20 OOFBUX :OOFPOPSOCKETS 40 OOFBUX :OOF HAT 30 OOFBUX HOW TO EARN OOFBUX........ make projects here and each project gives you 20 OOFBUX. your OOFBUX is dependent on you so u must count how much you have. if projects here have more than 10 hearts and stars you also can get 50 OOFBUX. more stuff on the menu soon the Despacito spider is the most expensive thing here as of now. if you follow us u can get premium membership which means you can get 5 things FOR FREEEEEE. E M P L O Y E E S: they are our curators and they invite people and serve them too.