Spencer's Facility

Spencer's Facility is a hangout and chat for lots of Crewmates (maybe Impostors?) and even if you're not a Crewmate, you are more than welcome to join Spencer's Facility!
Rule 1: Always be kind and respectful. If you are caught saying rude or offensive things to others, you will get a warning, 3 warnings mean you will be demoted to curator, and if you are curator and get 3 warnings, you will be removed. If you continue to be rude, you will be reported.
Rule 2: Roleplays. If you want to roleplay, there's a studio for it here: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/28799939/ and while Roleplays are allowed here, we recommend you use the respective studio. Roleplays must be appropriate, if not, they will be deleted and you will be removed from the studio.
Rule 3: Have fun! If you aren't having fun, you won't be removed. If you have any suggestions to make Spencer's Facility better, comment it and if it's good enough, we will add it!
That's all for now! See you soon! -Spencer