[CLOSED] 130 Followers OC Contest
Hi everyone I have 130+ followers now so I decided to do a OC contest so here it is! Rules : 1.Must be a remix 2.Due date at end of January 2021 3.If you follow the instructions higher chances of winning 4.Latest to join at January 25 2021 5.Prizes in the project Go to this project for more info : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/465708588/ Add your entry in this studio Results will be on February 2021 Participants 1.@Adelle_Cute 2.@Sea__lover 3.@mudyug 4.@-SXDEE- 5.@shcs161087 6.@peachesellie 7.@cookii_ 8.@Prodigy_cat 9. 10. if your name is not there tell me to change it I will only judge the names on the list and only ask if you are joining Ask your followers to join pls