Bunny Army
~~~~~~~~~~~~About~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome rabbits to the Bunny Army fear us because we are allies with the birb resistance one of the strongest armys at our side fear us! Please do not raid otherwise you will be reported To show support say on your profile #BunnysForever That's pretty much it :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~Ranks~~~~~~~~~~~ Leader:@cs1464299 General:@meeeede Sergant:@Moyai13 Battalion Commander:@I_love_kindness_peep ~~~~~~~~~~~~Allies~~~~~~~~~~ Birb Resistance: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/27986498/ ~~~~~~~~~~~Rules~~~~~~~~~~ If invited don't join unless actually gonna talk or hangout here at Bunny HQ Please add bunny projects only. No advertising. Become a bunny soldier! ^v^ No removing anyone unless... Remove raiders. If you try to take down our army, you will surely oof under the mighty paws of the bunny soldiers. To respect the army, please follow and if you're not a manager you'll be invited if you follow this studio. If you are bored you can look at the memes provided. If you want to join just tell us in the comment section Do not change the thumbnail, it is perfect. INVITE ALL OF YOUR FOLLOWERS!!