Jade Mountain Rp
Only add projects about this rp! --RULES-- Please ask if you want to be an animus, or staff. Also, 3 dragons per person. Pantalian dragons are allowed! Shipping allowed, class sessions allowed(if you're staff). (tell me if there's anything you'd like me to add) ALSO, you can be a student and teacher at the same time Name//gender//tribe//looks //personality//other info --Staff-- Principal: Cocoa (Cocoatherainwing) Librarian: History Teacher: Music Teacher: Art Teacher: Herbs/Healing Teacher: reserved for @smcoderclara Self Defense Teacher: --Winglets-- Gold Winglet Icewing: Mudwing: Skywing: Sandwing: Nightwing: Rainwing: Seawing: Silver Winglet Icewing: Mudwing: Skywing: Sandwing: Nightwing:Starfinder(Cocoatherainwing) Rainwing: reserved for @smcoderclara Seawing: Silkwing: Pieridae(lunamoonwolf11) Granite Winglet Icewing: Mudwing: Skywing: Sandwing: Nightwing: Rainwing: Seawing: Jade Winglet Icewing: Mudwing: Skywing: Sandwing: Nightwing: Wither(Witherthenightwing) Rainwing: Seawing: Copper Winglet Icewing: Mudwing: Skywing: Spire(Cocoatherainwing) Sandwing: Nightwing: Rainwing: Seawing: