Death Apocalypse Studio
This is going to be my Studio for Apocalypse. NOTICE: ANIMATORS NEEDED, WE NEED MORE ANIMATORS...AND FAST. So the series is basically zombies attacking earth, and a group of humans have to stop it. So I need some people to help act in this series, and write the script and stuff. Are you up for it? Main Characters 1.@Double_E_Studios - Max 2.@KM-536493 - Jade 3.@LM-469139 - Leo 4.@The_Piano_Warriorcat - Ayleen 5.@Lightning_Mark - Henry 6.@clarapeluche - Robin (Sorry, you can't play Main characters anymore. They're taken.) Zombies 1.@Wormotron 2.@Verbisback 3.@Evoli_Licky 4.@xXx-pug-lover-xXx Townspeople 1.@-WarriorCatsFTW- 2.@Apikose007 3.@koltroo Script Writers @Double_E_Studios @cs1722849 @Mystery_StoryDawn @Lightning_Mark @chanax2019 Animators (NEEDED!) @Lightning_Mark (Main Animator) @cs1722849 Note: Any Project that is not related will be removed.