The Scratch League Games and Sign-Ups
Please read the instructions!!! Hello everyone! My name is Professor Pico, and I am here to show you how to apply to join the Scratch League! The Scratch League is group of Scratchers working together. If you would like to join the Scratch League, you must: 1) be an active Scratcher 2) be an Underrated Scratcher 3) be prepared to put your full potential into the Scratch League 4) be kind to other people. Note: You may have to wait for at least 10 minutes after you have been accepted to the League while the manager, @Woodsy1010, adds you to the Scratch League algorithm (code). --- Rules: --- 1) No adding projects 2) No spamming 3) Be ready to potentially not be invited to the Scratch League. Only certain people I can trust are allowed to join. 4) Respect that only me, Professor Pico, and the manager, @Woodsy1010, can decide to add people to the Headquarters. 5. Do not ask to be Curator or Manager. If you'd like to join, then comment that you'd like to join, and @Woodsy1010 will ask you a couple of questions. Then, if he's satisfied with your answer, you're in! Scratch League Games: -Money Makers - 100% -Setting Up Camp - 5% -Scratch in the City - 0% -Episode 4 - ??? Scratch League Members: @Woodsy1010 @Woodsie007 @Funky-Pineapple @BENJIINFINITY-A @Tillytops2 @MacSci @Spykidjim @ljes621497 Well, good luck, and I hope you become a Member!