~Scratch’s Got Talent!~

Welcome, everybody! To,
~Scratch’s Got Talent!~
Rounds will happen 1 Time a day! This Tournament will in end in rewards!
~Scratch’s Got Talent!~
One round per day, So check in daily for the next round!
The More rounds you win, the higher rank, by the end of the week, the winner gets a follow, and a gift drawing from me or a collab!
People who have Won more than 1 Time become my helpers (@SprinklecatLuv)
To become a judge, you have to earn my trust, (Must be helper to rank up to judge)
~Scratch’s Got Talent!~
Judges: @SprinkleCatLuv
Helpers: @Jasminelokiu
Golden snipers:
Silver snipers:
Bronze snipers:
Amongst the sky:
Under The Sky:
Beginners: @rburch0731
Jokes to this group: @ReggiePenguin
~Scratch’s Got Talent!~ ©