________________________ * * I made this studio because I wondered how other people pronounce things, versus how I do. It's sort of a fun experiment. _________________________ Below are the "Words of the Week". In the comments section, tell me how YOU pronounce these words/names! ♬WORDS OF THE WEEK:♬ -Arceus(From Pokemon) -Mantine(From Pokemon) -Pecan -Lyre -Caribbean _________________________ ♬PRONUNCIATIONS♬: Arceus: Arc-ee-us(@-Bloodstorm-) Ark-ee-us(@xXWinterPawXx) Ar-KEE-us(@Lioness_The_Brave) Mantine: Man-teen(@-Bloodstorm-) Man-tine(@xXWinterPawXx) Man-TEEN(@Lioness_The_Brave) Pecan: Pi-khan(@-Bloodstorm-) Pee-can(@xXWinterPawXx) Pee-can(@sunshineybanana) Pih-con(@AAAPal) PI-Can(Lioness_The_Brave) Lyre: Liar(@-Bloodstorm-) Liar(@xXWinterPawXx) LIE-er(@Lioness_The_Brave) Caribbean: Care-ih-bee-an(@-Bloodstorm-) Car-ibb-ee-anne (@xXWinterPawXx) Care-ih-bee-anne (@sunshineybanana) Care-a-be-and(@AAAPal) Ca-RI-bee-an (@Lioness_The_Brave) _________________________ IF I MAKE YOU A MANAGER, PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE PEOPLE, CHANGE THE TITLE OR DESCRIPTION, OR CHANGE THE THUMBNAIL. IF YOU DO, YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THIS STUDIO. - @-Bloodstorm- __________________________ I may add several more words than I did the week prior. You may suggest words to be added, and they might get on the list. *_________________________*