Middle School-Ish RP
(Don't question the thumbnail. I do need one though... XD) Welcome to Tuxfy School 4-12! We are a school for kids of all shapes and sizes, and I hope you have an amazing time! SCHOOL RULES 1. Do not leave the room where your teacher is EVER without permission from a staff member. 2. If you bring lunch with peanuts, almonds, or walnuts in it, you will be asked to eat at a separate table during lunch. 3. No cursing on school property. Additionally, no weapons or threats. 4. Bullying is not tolerated. STAFF 4 Math and Science Male: 4 ELA and Social Studies Female: 4 Advanced Math Female: 5 Math and Science Female: 5 ELA Female: 5 Social Studies and Advanced Math Female: 4-5 Emotional Support 1 Male: 6 Math Male: 6 Science 1 Female: 6 Science 2 Female: 6 ELA 1 and Social Studies Non-Binary: 6 ELA 2 and Advanced Math Male: 7 and 8 Math 1 and 7 Advanced Math Male: 7 and 8 Math and 8 Advanced Math Female: 7 and 8 Math 3 and 6-8 Emotional Support Female: 7 and 8 Science 1 Female: 7 and 8 Science 2 Male: 7 ELA 1 and 10 Math 1 Female: 7 ELA 2 and 8 ELA 1 Female: 8 ELA 2 and 8 Social Studies Male: 7 Social Studies and 6-8 Emotional Support 2 Male: 9 Math 1 Male: 9 Math 2 Male: 9 Science 1 Female: 9 and 10 ELA 1 Male: 9 and 10 ELA 2 and 9 Science 2 Female: 9 Social Studies Female: 10 Math 2 Female: 10 Social Studies Non-Binary: 9-10 Emotional Support 1 Female and 4-8 Nurse 4-5 and 9-10 Emotional Support 2 Male: 11 Math 1 Female: 11 Math 2 Male:


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