☆ The Blazing Trail RP ☆
☆ Sign Ups/Main Studio ☆
☆ Relationship Chart ☆
☆ NEWS ☆
~ DESERTCLAN NEWS: Burnlight has left Ashclan and has joined Desertclan. Eveningshadow has given birth to her kits. (They’re age will be 1 moon, so they can rp)
~ ASHCLAN NEWS: Maplewish has give birth to her kits. (Age will go up to 1 moon so users can rp)
~ UPDATE: Separate studios have been made to list cats of the clan. Links are provided where the Ashclan and Desertclan used to be listed. (Below)
~ CURRENT WEATHER UPDATE: It is cold, but no rain. Things are starting to freeze, while the wind continues. The river is still running strongly.
~ OVERALL WEATHER UPDATE: It is leaf-bare (Winter) currently. Rain is to be expected off and on. Small bodies of water a freezing. River is still flowing.
~ CLAN UPDATE: Tension is rising and Ashclan is finding more reasons to hate Desertclan. There have been more sighting of both clans crossing over the border. (Update: Sandstar hates Talonstar and there is no going back.)
☆ Desertclan: ☆
(The rest of the cats will be listed in the link provided:)
Leader: Talonstar (T) [36 moons] @FreeDoveWriter
Deputy: Brokensong (T) [27 moons] @CreamcloudKitty
Med. Cats:
~ Myrtlesight (S) [14 moons] @TacoPip
~ Morningwind (S) [43 moons] @FreeDoveWriter
Med. Cat Apprentices:
~ Brookpaw (S) [6 moons] @Raiini
~ Blossompaw (S) [6 moons] @honeybreeze
☆ Ashclan: ☆
(The rest of the cats will be listed in the link provided:)
Leader: Sandstar (S) [27 moons] @WarriorofStormclan
Deputy: Sparrowvine (T) [21 moons] @Raiini
Med. Cats:
~ Silvershadow (S) [21 moons] @putthatbookdown
~ Thistlespark (T) [26 moons] @Blazewing202
Med. Cat Apprentices:
~ Sootpaw (S) [12 moons] @RocinaTheYoutuber
~ Hillpaw [9 moons] @ninjapuppies
☆ Outsiders: Outside cats including exiles, but not kittypets ☆
~ Branch (T) [12 moons] @BranchstarBranchclan
~ Ginger (S) [23 moons] @Silverstripe234
~ Rocky (S) [4 moons] @123zee123
~ Pine (S) [4 moons] @123zee123
~ Cosmic (T) [29 moons] @WarriorofStormclan
~ River (T) [4 moons] @longlivewarriorscats
~ Ocean (S) [4 moons] @longlivewarriorscats
~ Eagle (S) [1 moon] @Eaglepaw1134
~ Silas (T) [28 moons] @FreeDoveWriter
~ Goldfish (S) [28 moons] Is expecting kits, mate is dead @Differentwings
~ Ivy (S) [unborn] @Fireyflame12
~ Viper (S) [13 moons] @Rootpaw-Mousetail--
~ Darkblaze (T) [42 moons] @cwestudent6