2019 almost worst year of kpop
Edit = Thank you guys for all joining this studio, I have never had a studio so big and it great that you are supporting all kpop members who have had a tough year ADD EVERY KPOP STAN YOU KNOW ON SCRATCH!!! 2019 has been the worst year of kpop, yes there are great rookie groups but there are way more negative things but positive. Seungri and multiple other idols and actors have ruined there lives by doing stupid acts. Hanbin left Ikon due to YG hiding his scandal. Sulli passed away a few weeks ago RIP. Goo Hara passed away a few days ago RIP. Hwall left The Boyz due to his ankle which is not recovering and he feels he is letting down the group. Woojin left Stray kids due to personal reasons. And now Wonho has left but the reason is unsure at this current stage. And now Goo hara from Kara died Sorry I can’t- Last year was one of the best year and this is so horrible but not as bad as 2014. 2019 and 2014 are horrible years for kpop :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNiD3at175E&list=WL&index=7&t=0s