I feel terrible

on Friday night I had a campout at my friends house, while there all the kids (including me) stayed up until 12:00 and I went to sleep at 1:00... it was freezing that night and I woke up at 4:30 so I only had 3.5 hours of sleep and couldn't go back to sleep so I was tired and freezing.. my body also decided that it was hungry so I woke up tired, freezing, and hungry... when everybody else woke up they noticed I had red eyes... so then I had sleep deprivation and red eyes but I acted fine so the whole day went fine... I went to sleep at 9:30 but I had to wake up at 7:00 am to get ready for church... today I apparently now have a lump on my neck and it hurts when I turn my head so tomorrow I am going to the doctor... Im really tired and grumpy today and was the same way yesterday so I'm finally posting a project today maybe...
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