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Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Greetings everyone! I wanted to let you know about some changes we're planning to help you manage your studios.

Based on your feedback, we've decided to make some changes in what studio curators can do, and also to add a new role (studio owner). Here is an overview of the two new roles:

Studio Owners Managers:
Owners can add or remove projects, curators, and other owners. They can also change the studio name, description, and icon. However, only the original owner of the studio can delete the whole studio.

Studio Curators:
Curators can add projects to the studio. They can remove only the projects that they themselves have added to the studio. They can not add other curators.

These changes will give you more control over your studio. It's your responsibility to choose owners and curators that you trust. If someone asks to be made a co-owner of your studio, but you don't know them well, consider asking them to be curator for a few weeks before deciding whether to invite them to be a co-owner. If you make someone an owner and they make big changes (like deleting all the projects in the studio), that’s up to you and the rest of the owners of the studio to sort out. (Of course, the Scratch community guidelines still apply everywhere on Scratch.)

The list of owners and curators for each studio will be displayed under the Curators tab.

In addition to these changes, we'll be improving the Activity tab so that it shows every change to the studio (by owners and curators), when it was done, and by whom. The timeline for these changes is a bit up in the air - but we hope to have them up in the next 30 days.

As always, anyone can follow or comment on any studio.

Let the comments / questions begin!

Edit: Changed “Owners” to “Managers”, to reflect the terminology we intend to use in the code.

Last edited by Lightnin (Nov. 8, 2013 19:52:48)

95 posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Will we be able to delete comments? Yay for new studio changes!!!
1000+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

kspiegs wrote:

Will we be able to delete comments? Yay for new studio changes!!!

I think that's still open for debate. Do a lot of people think this would be really important?

(Remember - if a comment is rude or disrespectful, you should always click “report” instead of delete. Report deletes the comment too - but should only be used if it's mean or un-constructive.
500+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Will the new activity tab include a longer list of all activity? My worry is that the current list is relatively short and with more events added to the tab, it will be hard to find specific events. I use it a lot to find out who added which projects, I don't really care about who commented and such stuff but at the moment, events such as commenting that I don't find useful are drowning out events that I'm interested in such as the addition of projects.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;You thought I'd get away from you, didn't you?!
New to Scratch
14 posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Great changes! I like the new rank system. Way to go

Check out my project here that replicates stretching blocks.
1000+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

PhirripSyrrip wrote:

Will the new activity tab include a longer list of all activity? My worry is that the current list is relatively short and with more events added to the tab, it will be hard to find specific events. I use it a lot to find out who added which projects, I don't really care about who commented and such stuff but at the moment, events such as commenting that I don't find useful are drowning out events that I'm interested in such as the addition of projects.

Yep! We're going to add pagination to the activity feed, so you can go back into the past as far as you like.
We may also try to collapse some events into a single entry - like “So and so commented, and x,y,z,a,b,c, replied.” But that still needs thinking through. If you'd like to make a mockup, please do!
500+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Oh yeah!

15 posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators



That is me…
Oh, yeah, and awesomeness, but that doesn't start with a ‘S’…
Isn't my signature so legit?
100+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Cool changes! But one suggestion is that project owners can remove their projects from studios. This way, some of the “Anti-AE” can be happy and remove their projects from any studios that they don't want their projects in. Thanks for reading!

Hello! If you need help, just ask me on my homepage! I am good with quite a few things, and I can be a good friend!
500+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

giratina12 wrote:

Cool changes! But one suggestion is that project owners can remove their projects from studios. This way, some of the “Anti-AE” can be happy and remove their projects from any studios that they don't want their projects in. Thanks for reading!
Hmm… Interesting idea. Support.

9th post!

100+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Scratch12300 wrote:

giratina12 wrote:

Cool changes! But one suggestion is that project owners can remove their projects from studios. This way, some of the “Anti-AE” can be happy and remove their projects from any studios that they don't want their projects in. Thanks for reading!
Hmm… Interesting idea. Support.

9th post!

10th post!

Hello! If you need help, just ask me on my homepage! I am good with quite a few things, and I can be a good friend!
16 posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Yah so the co-owner part. Is that like a curator before the update
88 posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

i agree with @Lightnin

check out my profile!!!! http://scratch.mit.edu/users/kj25360

Last edited by kj25360 (Sept. 26, 2013 01:29:19)

| roblox.com?rbxp=57965597

100+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

if all the features and more sound editor options are done, 2.0 would be the greatest website ever!

JONATHAN1320's signature wrote:

Select me and then push Control + Shift + Down.

when @greenFlag clicked // Don't smash it, though.
possibly forever {
repeat until <(eureka :: sensing) = [true]>
think up [an idea v] :: sensing
make [a project v] with (thoughts :: sensing) :: events
} @loopArrow :: control cap

Hi there!
1000+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Lightnin wrote:

PhirripSyrrip wrote:

Will the new activity tab include a longer list of all activity? My worry is that the current list is relatively short and with more events added to the tab, it will be hard to find specific events. I use it a lot to find out who added which projects, I don't really care about who commented and such stuff but at the moment, events such as commenting that I don't find useful are drowning out events that I'm interested in such as the addition of projects.

Yep! We're going to add pagination to the activity feed, so you can go back into the past as far as you like.
We may also try to collapse some events into a single entry - like “So and so commented, and x,y,z,a,b,c, replied.” But that still needs thinking through. If you'd like to make a mockup, please do!
Maybe add sub-tabs so you can find things even easier?

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.8.5, Chrome 29.0.1547.76, Flash 11.8 (release 800)
1000+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators


College student studying Communication and Fire Technology, communication lab tutor, guitar and piano player, perfectionist, and just some guy who regularly eats and trains physically to stay healthy.
New to Scratch
1 post

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Cool! I'm new!

Last edited by jackajack (Sept. 26, 2013 01:52:22)

25 posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Can we also be able to remove our own projects from other people's studios?

100+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

Cool, but you should still report studios if only 1 curator is a curator, and the title / description has a swear word in it, you should report it. Or if the picture is bad.

Roses are red.
Violets are red.
Bushes are red.
Trees are red.

If you cringe at what you've done years ago, that means you've grown as a person.
100+ posts

Upcoming changes to studio permissions: Owners and Curators

jackajack wrote:

Cool! I'm new!
Welcome to Scratch! :D

Roses are red.
Violets are red.
Bushes are red.
Trees are red.

If you cringe at what you've done years ago, that means you've grown as a person.

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