Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Best DS Games

Super Scibblenauts and LEGO Battles is, by far, the best DS games to ever grace gods green earth. i spent HOURS back in the day Playing those 2 nonstop.

——————————————–HEY ————————————————————————–
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my name's deafaultbro.I like to play video games, and code in JavaScript/CSS and HTML.

My current Favorite videogames are Pizza Tower, Team Fortress 2, and DOOM Eternal.

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1000+ posts

Best DS Games

mario kart ds goes insanely hard
also holy necro

autistic male who loves birds, A LOT

I'm also into nintendo, specifically Mario and Zelda.

Sukiyo the Rito is my Rito OC, he came to me in a dream.
1000+ posts

Best DS Games

lego batman ds. a entirely different experience from the console version but still a banger

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