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Final Fantasy!

Cold_Brew wrote:

fire_alchemist wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

fire_alchemist wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

fire_alchemist wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

My friends and I can back me up that FF8 is one of the best Final Fantasy games ever.

I always thought the hate for it was because FF7 was so successful and people were mad it wasn't a continuation. I guess the change in gameplay was a part of that. I've heard people thought FF9 was going to be a continuation of 8 too- I-it just doesn't work like that.
well, you can't blame them, after all, the saga was a classic fantasy before ff7, and the fandom sure was divided between those who wanted classic fantasy back and those who wanted ff7 part 2.

and i want to leave clear that ff8 was another diferent change, because it was rather a soft sci-fi than a dark and futuristic world filled with casinos and corrupt ion and nasty streets, and maybe that was another big change for those who met ff through ff7, and also a shock for the classic fantasy fans.
The fact it was a soft sci-fi is another reason I love it. FF7's sci-fi theme is awesome, but FF8 feels like you got that and some of the aspects of older games. That, and it feels a little more… Like the world has fresh air? XD Not to mention the themes and twists in the story in general are just REALLY good no matter how you look at it. So 10/10 game.
Laguna is one of the best characters. He's so silly. But also sad. :(
personally, and i must admit with no regrets of what folllows, i am rather a fond of the classical fantasy, and more specifically the classic fantasy square stated in nintendo consoles, i love ff3, it is in fact my favourite ff of all times, and i will always sustain that ff5 is the best in the saga in the aspect of gameplay. classic fantasy, i belive, is very underexplored, because the more classic tittles became rather medieval-steampunk from the fifth on.
Yeah. Square kind of had a success with FF7 and just ran with it. I think the newest one was supposed to be more medieval themed. But I haven't played it, so I don't know the extent of that lol. But my friend has played it, and he really liked it.
Yeah, I’ve heard good stuff bout the last one, yet I don’t know anything about it, nor story nor gameplay, so I wouldn’t know
It's crazy how good XVI is! I don't think they made one bad decision in my opinion. There's some disagreement about the combat, but I sunk 80 hours into the game to get the 100% and never got bored of it like I did with, say, FFX. (Which has a fine combat system, just preference.) Anyway the character and story's just incredible. It took a big leap away from what the franchise is traditionally like, yet still had every bit of Final Fantasy charm to it. Definitely recommend if you can get your hands on a PS5.

Also I know I'm late to the convo, but I've sunk 400 hours into FFVIII *Cough-*
Perfect, now I’ve got to wait 20 years to emulate it and validate your opinion using my own experience.
I’m absolutely not buying a ps5, it’s easier if I just wait.

Hi! My name’s Fire Alchemist, I am a game developer, artist, and writer here in scratch. From time to time I like to write essays about video games and I love theorizing, my main language is Spanish. I make pixel art, if you want me to help you in your project, just ask! I will gladly accept if I’ve got time, just give me due credit. This is one of my best and most complete projects, is a boss fight, I bet you can’t get to the 3rd phase: porfa jugalo/ please play this. Say, why don’t you go to my profile and check my featured project? It’s a short platformer you’ll love, I’m sure of that heres a book engine… yeah, thats it.
Fun fact: Keanu Reeves once participated in a Shakespeare novel adaptation as the villain, don’t know if you know, but it’s not ironically good
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