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OS challenge Signups

Hello there
I'm Jason (Jason-the-gamer)

Judges will do their job on ALL of the rounds - The rounds will be judged like this:

Capability: How much can it do? Does it only have a few functions, or can it do almost anything you can think of?

Experience: Is the interface user-friendly, easy to use, and understandable? How laggy and glitchy is it?

Aesthetic: How does it look? Does it have a distinct, unique style and look pleasing? Does the aesthetic help make it understandable?

Creativity: Does it use original ideas, or does it use the same ideas that most people use?

One: Thumbnail and intro
Two: Lockscreen
Three: Desktop
Four: AI or assistant
Five: Apps - At least 1 Game, a Productivity style app (Notes, Calendar, etc.), ‘Mail’, and ‘Appstore’
Six: The full OS

'Stealing' code from other teams is ALLOWED - BUT YOU MUST CREDIT THOUGH!
You cannot base your OS on someone else's / another team's.
The Leader is in charge
The Co-Leader is second in command.
You can use code from other projects, just not a lot
Any other questions? Feel free to ask!

Thanks, jason-the-coder


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OS challenge Signups

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