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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Only in dreams .ೃ࿐Splashkit Application WIP

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Only in dreams .ೃ࿐Splashkit WIP Application
Everything below is subject to change.

ׂ╰┈➤ Link to the application project — https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018580340/
ׂ╰┈➤ Link to the litter — https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996731874

*ೃ༄ Table of contents

·˚ ༘ About me

Roleplaying experience

·˚ ༘ Others

Code words
Roleplay example

·˚ ༘ About the kit

Roleplaying example

*ೃ༄ About me

ׂ╰┈➤ Hey there! I’m Feather, a self taught artist. I go by she/her. Last year, I was in TFCRP
as Owltwinkle from the sparrows litter and I’m ready to start up again after a good mental break.
A little about me is that I enjoy drawing, surfing, wakeboarding, and tubing. My favorite color is
baby blue, and this month is my two-year anniversary on scratch. I hope to get to know more
about you!

ׂ╰┈➤ I will be applying for Spashkit! Right when my friend showed me this litter, I decided to needed to get back
into TFCRP. His colors, his complex design and everything about him is stunning. I also have a nice
connection to Riverclan, and I think I would like to start clean on Riverclan once more. I also have some
personality traits and ideas for him that I think would work great. He’s so fun to draw to!

*ೃ༄ Roleplaying experience

╰┈➤ All Roleplaying usually starts as kids, playing imaginary kids when we were little. As a kid, I loved playing with my sisters games with magic and powers, but as I grew up, I ended the imaginary playing as I became less interested. Then, years later I signed up for chaos. It was all the ramble with my friends, and I ran into an invite for a warriors roleplay. I enjoyed it so much, and my progress grew quickly. I had two characters in chaos! Then, I ran into this website due to my friends Sawyer and Jay in school, and I signed up. Man, I was addicted. I drew all the time and the comments I was getting made me feel great. I signed up for my first roleplay character on here, Flower. This is the first character I was really attached to. But.. I had been seeing projects for TFCRP all the time and I needed to join. I signed up for a few litters.. but as you can imagine, I wasn’t the best at applications in the beginning. As I started to improve.. not the best still, I won my first TFCRP character, Owlkit from the Sparrows litter! Man, he was my literal emotional support character. He was my everything. Unfortunately, things took a turn. Owltwinkle was living a good life.. but my mental health had decreased due to friend problems. I was many many months.. exactly ten, which I know may not be impressive to you, but I have to tell the truth. Now, I’m back for my second round, and with new friends I’m planning to stay here for a long while. Below is a list of the characters I had in scratch.

≫Owltwinkle (TFCRP)
≫Scout (THG)
≫Fallenkit (Elements)
≫Flower (HWWRP)
≫Blueberrysong (TWOTW)
≫Snowytuft (Generations)
≫Autumnstrike (CCRP)
≫Delphiniumdrift (WWRP)
≫Penumbraglow (TSD)

*ೃ༄ Code words

╰┈➤ Splashkit has a wonderful spirit, and will have a story full of wonders. Maybe he’ll pick a sprout or two along the way? (Why does this sound so weird)

*ೃ༄ Role play examples

╰┈➤ Found in the project comments

*ೃ༄ Future pronouns

╰┈➤ I’m not exactly sure what his pronouns will be. He will spend a lot of time figuring out who he is during
apprenticeship and early warrior stages of his life. (Deciding between he/they or he/she/they.)

*ೃ༄ Description
Splashkit is a kitten with a distinctive appearance. He stands at 10.4 inches tall when fully grown and has a
dense, fluffy coat of fur. His fur is gray, with different shades of grayish-blue scattered
across it like paint splotches. Dark gray freckles are scattered across his nose,
and a lighter gray circle lies his face. His eyes are large and round, a warm amber color that
adds to his charm. Darker gray fur frames his face, and his chest is a very light gray. His legs
and stubby tail fade from dark gray to light gray, giving him a ombré effect. Born declawed
with a bobbed tail, Splashkit surely stands out above the crowd!

*ೃ༄ Accessories plan
For his future accessories, I would like him to mostly wear flowers, plants and feathers.
I plan for Splashkit to have a connection with plants, and he is always interested in showing off the plants
that he has on his tail and legs.

*ೃ༄ Personality (wip)

((+ Compassionate, Empathetic, Supportive, Gentle, Affectionate, Expressive, Patient
((= Neutral: Observant, Cautious, Attentive, Intuitive, Vigilant
((- Negative: Worrisome, Overprotective, Anxious, Nervous, Overwhelmed, Indecisive

( + )
Splashkit's heart brims with kindness, offering understanding, support, and compassion
to all. His connections are built on trust and deep care for others' needs, ensuring that
everyone feels valued, heard, and appreciated.

Splashkit effortlessly understands others' emotions. His genuine interest and compassionate
listening create deep bonds with others, strengthening relationships and ensuring everyone's

Splashkit stands as a reliable ally, uplifting others with encouragement, care, understanding,
and support. He strives to maintain strong bonds with family, friends, and those he cares
about, standing by their side through challenges.

With a tender spirit, Splashkit treats others with kindness, fostering a sense of belonging
and acceptance. In his company, individuals feel valued, respected, and understood. He
always maintains a gentle tone in conversation.

Splashkit's heart overflows with love, appreciation, understanding, and affection. He deeply
cares for his relationships, ensuring they're filled with affection. His expressions of love create
bonds of closeness, trust, and affection, strengthening connections.

Splashkit openly shares his emotions, creating genuine connections and deeper understanding.
His vulnerability strengthens relationships, ensuring he can seek help when needed. Splashkit
aims for mutual understanding and support from others.

Splashkit possesses a great deal of patience, especially when dealing with challenging situations
or difficult people. He understands that good things take time and is willing to wait for the right
moment to act or make a decision.

( = )
Splashkit has a keen eye for detail, always taking in his surroundings and the people within
them. He notices things that others might overlook, which allows him to stay informed and
aware of what's going on around him.

Splashkit tends to approach situations with caution, carefully considering the potential
risks and consequences before making a decision. He prefers to stay on the side of problems
rather than rushing into something without thinking it through.

Splashkit is highly attentive to the needs and concerns of others, always ready to
lend a listening ear or provide assistance when needed. He pays close attention to
the those around him, ensuring that he can offer support and understanding
whenever it's required.

Splashkit has a strong intuition, allowing him to sense the emotions and intentions of others
even when they're not explicitly stated. He trusts his gut instincts and often relies on them to
guide his actions.

Splashkit remains vigilant and alert, always keeping an eye out for any potential dangers or threats.
He takes proactive measures to ensure his safety and the safety of those around him, never letting
his guard down even in seemingly safe environments.

( - )
Splashkit often finds himself consumed by worry. Despite his efforts to stay positive, he can't help
but dwell on potential problemsscenarios, making it challenging to fully enjoy the present moment.
His worry stems from his deep sense of caring and responsibility, but it sometimes hurts his ability
to relax and let go.

Splashkit has a tendency to be overprotective, especially when it comes to those he cares about
deeply. He often goes to great lengths to protect others, sometimes even when it's unnecessary.
While his intentions are for the greater good, it can sometimes lead to feelings of resentment from
who he's trying to protect.

Splashkit frequently tackles with feelings of anxiety. Despite his best efforts to calm his nerves,
he often finds himself feeling tense and on edge, unable to fully relax. It can sometimes overshadow
his ability to enjoy life's moments.

Splashkit tends to be nervous in new or uncertain situations. He may fidget as he worries about what
could go wrong, even when there's no real cause for concern. While his nerves may be
uncomfortable, they also serve as a reminder of his sensitivity to others.

Splashkit often feels overwhelmed by the demands of life, struggling to juggle multiple responsibilities
or navigate complex situations. He may feel like he's drowning in a sea of tasks, unsure of where to start
or how to prioritize. Despite his best efforts to stay organized and focused, he sometimes
finds himself feeling lost or defeated in the face of overwhelming challenges.

Splashkit has a tendency to be indecisive, often finding it difficult to make choice He may find it hard to pass
over even the simplest decisions, weighing the pros and cons without reaching a conclusion. His
indecision may frustrate him and others at times.

*ೃ༄ Trivia

Prey: Fish, not just the taste and the shiney scales all over their slimy skin, he knows how to hunt them
well, learning to use his mouth instead of his paws. Though, if stationed correctly, he can scoop them
out of the water. He can hunt other animals to, but he will always prefer fish.

Color: Ocean blue.

Season: New-leaf. He likes the new life that it brings, and it is the perfect temperature.

Hobby: Making flower and vine crowns. Because he likes plants so much, he likes to work and try to
weave things together to make assessories for himself.

Animal: Birds, he will often find time to relax and just watch the birds flying by.

Voice claim: Undecided


*ೃ༄ Future plans

I’m thinking about putting a lot of thought into Splashkit's dreams. I want to make projects that involve
his dreams, showing some insight into his successes, triumphs, but also his deepest fears and past
mistakes. These dreams might sometimes shake his confidence and cause him to doubt himself.

During his self-doubt, Splashkit will start isolating himself from others, only wanting the company of only
his closest friends and family. During this phase, he will spend many moments under the night sky which
brings him peace. I want to make a project on Splashkit on a journey of self-discovery.

As Splashkit is in this phase, he will gradually regain his confidence. I want him to go on this journey so
he can have self-assurance and a deeper understanding of himself.

Additionally, I'm exploring the idea of a companion for Splashkit, a companion [such as an angel
on his shoulder] that represents his struggles and triumphs. This companion could serve as a guiding force, offering
support or challenging his beliefs depending on the situation.

These ideas are not confirmed

*ೃ༄ Research




From both of these articles combined, it seems like they are not very affected by bob tails. Although,
it may cause arthritis in their back and back and hip pain in the future, though unlikely.

How it will effect him

I don’t think it will affect him much at all, although, he may get arthritis when he grows old or in
elderly age.

Born without claws
(I had another link but it got tagged by scratch.)


From this article, I have learned just a little more about the consequences of declawing cats.
Although born with it, these may still occur.
Through this website, I have learned that cats born with these genetic mutations may have problems
in their life, such as walking a little funky. The nail bed is part of a cat's bones, and it may cause
deformity in other parts of their bones.
Although, he was not bred to be born this way so this may not occur.
Felines who are declawed may have a harder time performing natural habits that cats do, such
as stretching, kneading and ect. It also may cause them to become weaker faster and also cause
arthritis in their backs and shoulders.
Also, without his claws it will be difficult to defend for himself and also hunt. Claws are essential
to cats survival, and he may experience hardships without claws during apprentice training.

It will really affect him for his entire life. Without claws, it will be harder for him to hunt, climb,
defend himself and even more. He and his mentor will have to figure out how he will do these skills
by just using his jaw and his strength. It will be a big problem for him in his life.

*ೃ༄ Phobias he develops (WIP)

Claustrophobia (Fear of tight spaces)

Splashkit nights are tormented by relentless nightmares and dreams, trapping him in suffocating
darkness and shadows. These terrors invade his waking hours. Trapped within his own mind,
it starts turning enclosed spaces into prisons. The walls seem to close in around him,
triggering panic and unease. Despite his efforts to resist, Splashkit finds himself
paralyzed by confinement.

Monophobia (Fear of being alone)

In solitude, Splashkit's heart races with anxiety, fearing the emptiness of being alone.
The quiet of his den becomes suffocating, each passing moment amplifying
his unease. Despite attempts to distract himself, the absence of company weighs heavily,
leaving him vulnerable and yearning for companionship and the fear of solitude.

Metathesiophobia (Fear of change)

Change sends shivers down Splashkit's spine. Each new possibility becomes a
source of unease, the unknown in his mind. Although he
attempts to resist, the inevitability of change weighs heavily, leaving him feeling vulnerable
and looking for stability to get rid of his looming fear of uncertainty.

Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being forgotten or forgetting someone else)

This intense or irrational fear revolves around the dread of being forgotten
or forgetting someone or something important. Athazagorphobia clouds
his thoughts and infuses each interaction with unease. He mostly fears being
forgotten by ones he loves.

Last edited by FlamingoFeather_079 (May 16, 2024 00:40:44)

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