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❝ Haunted ❞ [ Amethystkit Application ]

☆°• Table of Contents•°☆
About the roleplayer
↳About Me
↳TFCRP Characters
☆°• about Amethystkit •°☆
↳Which kit I'm applying for?
↳Why am I applying for this kit?
↳Kit's future sexuality and identity
☆°• extras •°☆
↳Roleplay examples
↳Amethysts opinions/views on life/death
↳ Codewords!

☆°• about me•°☆
↳ user: @Moonsong8
↳ nickname: Eri(preferred), Moon ^^
↳ about me: Hello! I'm Eri! I'm a roleplayer and a huge bookworm. I'm obsessed with series like Warrior Cats, Wings of Fire, and more. ^^ I enjoy roleplaying in my free time at school(while procrastinating) and at home too! I'd prefer to be contacted on Scratch only since my Chaos account has private information on it!
↳ activity: On a scale of 1-10 I'd say I'm a 9. I'm really active during the school days, my only limitations being PE and classes that don't require the Chromebook. I usually check my messages at least once a day!
↳ TFCRP Characters! I currently have Lotuspaw of Shadowclan! She's my first and only TFCRP character!

☆°• about Amethystkit•°☆
which kit I'm applying for
I'm applying for the little darling Amethystkit!

why I'm applying for this kit
I'm applying for Amethystkit because I adore their design. The moment I saw them I thought of so many ideas and knew I had to apply! I've had my eye on the litters looking for another TFCRP character and the moment I saw Amy I knew they were the one. I couldn't stop thinking about them during my classes at school and even doodled them while taking notes. ^^" Amethystkit is so stunning that there isn't a single reason why I wouldn't apply for this baby girl! There are so many ideas I came up with and thoughts that I've planned for Amy, I absolutely couldn't resist applying!

kit's future sexuality and identity
Pronouns: they/them but they don't mind being called other pronouns
Sexuality: pansexual and demiromantic!
As a kit, Amy will be she/her not knowing what being transgender means. However, during apprenticehood, Amy starts to go by she/they pronouns. Eventually, right before they become a warrior, Amy resolves that they are actually non-binary and will use mainly they/them pronouns. Amy being demiromantic wouldn't bat an eye at any cat until they becomes close with them, once they developed a close bond with their significant other, it wouldn't matter to them what gender they are or the pronouns that they go by.

( + ) independent, intelligent, thoughtful, respectful
( = ) sarcastic, observant, boyish, reserved
( - ) arrogant, cold, manipulative, pessimistic

independent: Amy from a young age will be independent. They think it's important to learn to fight for themself and view relying on others as unnecessary and a sign of weakness. When asked if they need assistance, Amy often times would get angry at the implication that they're weak or not strong enough to please the person offering by themself. If their close friends, family, or significant other offers they will likely begrudgingly agree as those would be people that they trust fully.

intelligent: Amy is extremely intelligent. Their problem-solving skills are fantastic as they pay close attention to detail and figures out how to use it to their advantage. Their vocabulary is rather advanced and they is able to understand complex concepts quite easily. They will often correct those when they are incorrect. This is likely often a pain for other cats.

thoughtful: Amy is incredibly thoughtful just not about others. They enjoy pondering about the unsolved mysteries of life or about what other cats believe. However thoughtful they may be they don't think about what would make the other person happy with the exception of their family, close friends, and significant other.

respectful: Despite all this, Amy is very respectful. They'll be respectful and won't step out of line in front of your face. This doesn't mean they wouldn't manipulate you. They speak and act in a respectful manner however, that is about it. Amy will keep their composure even when insulted, scolded, or attacked, however, if a cat insults their family there's no going back.

sarcastic: Amy is a little bit sarcastic. They often times will respond with a sarcastic remark. They can use their sarcasm as a way of humor instead of a harmful barb. However, when their in a bad mood or when their close friends, family, or significant other are harmed or insulted their words can be quite deadly.

observant: Dispite having limited vision, Amy is extraordinarily observant. They can remember the shapes and shadows of things extremely well. In addition, Amy pays a lot of attention to detail. This allows them to navigate through familiar territory more easily however, it serves no use in new places. Amy can recognize the footsteps of their family and friends.

boyish: Amy isn't a stereotypical girl. They don't love the color pink, care about how they look, or mind getting dirty. Their much more paws-on and don't care if they tumble around in the mud with their siblings.

reserved: Amy typically hides their emotions. They don't often show any excited or positive emotions, however, nor do they show many negative ones. Amy's face is usually unreadable and they believe hiding their emotions is the smarter way to live. They think that not being able to control your facial expression is embarrassing.

arrogant: Amy is rather arrogant. They act overconfident in themselves and believe that everyone is less or weaker than them. They don't value the opinions of people other than their close friends, family, and probably their significant other. Other than that they will discard people's opinions and scorn them if they hold a different perspective.

cold: Amy is very stone-faced. Anything someone says would get a glare or an expressionless face in return. Their voice is usually rather emotionless or harsh. Often times their responses sound like a retort or like they don't care. Occasionally, Amy does care however, the interest doesn't often show in their tone.

manipulative: Amy is very manipulative. They'll say or do things to convince a cat to do her bidding. They often times twists stories into lies. Amy is a rather good liar. However, they know the boundaries and will not lie to those that they care about unless they has good intentions behind it. Amy wouldn't justify their lying if they were to be caught. They'd take their punishment and accept what they did was wrong. Despite this, they would still continue to lie in the future.

pessimistic: Amy is rather pessimistic believing the worst in everyone. They always think of the worst possible outcome and their failures rather than their success. They reflect on themselves and others very harshly. They hate it when optimistic people are happy and hopeful, they think that they are being blinded and foolish.

☆°• extras •°☆
Roleplay examples
provided in chat!

Amethysts opinions/views on life/death
Amethyst will not believe in Starclan. They believe that no cats are truly good enough for such a place. However, Amethyst does believe in the Dark Forest. They do not believe that all cats are left to live in the Dark Forest, only those who were truly terrible in their lives. Instead, Amethyst believes in a place similar to Starclan yet not all that brilliant. They believed that even the kindest and best souls would have made mistakes and nobody was qualified for endless peace and happiness. Amy thinks that you only get to live once so you should live while it lasts. They hope to pass on to death with no regrets about their life.

Albino cats are more likely to develop eye problems, for example, nystagmus, photophobia, and reduced visual acuity. Albino cats usually have white fur and blue or pinkish eyes. Albino cats are also often more sensitive to sunlight. Direct sunlight is harmful to their vision and occasionally also destructive to their skin with prolonged exposure. This will all affect Amy making it more difficult for them to see. It will also prevent them from spending too much time outside on sunny days.

Limited vision
Having limited vision will mean that Amy has to rely on their other senses more heavily. For example, they would have to use their hearing to know when another cat was approaching. They will heavily rely on their nose and ears to alert them making them more aware. However, because Amy can make out basic shapes, they will still be able to see partially. This will help them not crash into objects. Amy will also likely use their whiskers to help them navigate. This wouldn't help them completely though, Amy will likely still struggle to navigate and oftentimes trip or bump into other cats or objects.

Honestly, Ame is like a little sprout that's going to grow into a beautiful flower! They don't believe in the spirits of cats but they'll still respect the Clan's views on Starclan.

Last edited by Moonsong8 (May 22, 2024 20:49:59)

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