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67 posts

starrie’s poetry

> pretty self explanatory
> don’t give rude critique
> just a writing log
>if you like this and want to see more, don’t spam me. I like to create things from the heart, so I create when I have the urge too. this is also why I do not take “requests”. however, if you leave a positive comment below, I will reply and appreciate it

Last edited by sn4pdrag0n (May 21, 2024 01:03:36)

call me ranger!
i hang out on the forums to help people and share my work!
otherhearted, furry, artist, writer, coder ^^
you can check out my art and extended about me here!
67 posts

starrie’s poetry

content warning - contains themes unsuitable for any users under the age of 10

“the parking lot”
a poem by @sn4pdrag0n from the perspective of a dog left in a car in a freezing night.

you breath a frozen sigh, warmth fogging the window.
watching, watching, wondering
will he be back?
you sniff around the car
your nostrils bathe in his scent.
it is so very cold.
what did you do wrong?
you shiver, your short fur beginning to freeze over.
you try to press your nose to the window to look for him, but it is too cold.
you can’t feel your paws.
the man is not coming back.
you know this.
you curl up in the the driver’s seat, on his jacket.
if you try you can imagine the warmth radiating from it, from the man.
why would he leave you?
leave you in the dark parking light, the only solace being a single, flickering street lamp?
the window is opened just a crack, on the passenger’s side.
you rise to a sitting position and lift your frozen nose to the air, breathing in the fresh scents.
you can’t feel your legs. you look down at your paw pads.
they are black and frozen.
you stumble backwards.
this is the end.
it’s peaceful.
the warm, dark waves rise around you.
warmth spreads from your paws to your tailtip.
you close your eyes and let them wash the pain away.

“you have many best friends, but your dog has only one.”

Last edited by sn4pdrag0n (May 14, 2024 10:36:23)

call me ranger!
i hang out on the forums to help people and share my work!
otherhearted, furry, artist, writer, coder ^^
you can check out my art and extended about me here!
4 posts

starrie’s poetry

So sad

Ad Astra
67 posts

starrie’s poetry

Moonwatcher5800 wrote:

So sad

call me ranger!
i hang out on the forums to help people and share my work!
otherhearted, furry, artist, writer, coder ^^
you can check out my art and extended about me here!

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