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Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

What is the Scratch News Foundation?

The Scratch News Foundation (SNF) is a company on Scratch that provides high-quality journalism and news about occurrences on Scratch. Viewing our content allows Scratchers to understand and be aware of what is happening in the community

How does this work?

We use the planning forum for writing and editing paragraphs for news stories.

After articles are planned, they are checked or viewed by another member of the SNF. When it is complete, the journalist will edit their post and add one of these to their post:
(Finished) (Complete) (Checked) (Published)

Last edited by iiucandyfloss (May 15, 2024 16:27:33)

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

1000+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Terms Of Service

A) Follow the Community Guidelines at all times.
A1) Failure to do so will result in a strike. 1 strike is a *. 3 strikes and the user will be banned from the SNF.

B) We do not report arguments, Flame Wars or user bans at the SNF.
B1) Anyone who seeks to do so will be reminded of this rule.
B2) Any journalist who continues to write about the banned topic will get a strike.

C) Readers are not allowed to give quotes that mention users in an attempt to defame them, whether the content is accurate or not.
C1) Readers will be temporarily banned from contributing to article planning via quote-giving

Join Form

The form for giving quotes can be found here.

Be honest. Your activity information will be kept as confidential as possible. Ensure that your activity level is removed once your post is responded to.
Activity level*:
Writing experience*:
Description (a few words next to your name)
Do you agree to the Terms of Service:
By filling in this form, you agree to treat employees and readers respectfully. Failure to do so will result in certain sanctions.

* Very active: 6-7 days a week
Active: 4-6 days a week
SO (Sometimes online): 1-3 days a week
Inactive: 1-5 days in 2 weeks
EIA (Extremely Inactive): < 1-5 days in 2 weeks

* Writing experience can include, but is not limited to: SWC (links provided), writing in a notebook, other news stories on Scratch
Board Of Directors form

BoD position you'd like:
Why we should choose you for this role:
Do you agree to the BoD promise: ☑
Board of Directors promise:

I promise to not use my position of high authority wrongly if I am accepted.


Board Of Directors

Owner: iiucandyfloss - candy - loves writing & reading
Can hire, fire, call activity checks, etc.

Manager: - V A C A N T -
Can call activity checks + makes important decisions

Editor: - V A C A N T -
Handles most editing of articles and work, structure, can make art for articles

The Writers

- Prank179 - Prank - Young author

- superduperunicorny - Twinkle / Crystal Twinkle is preferred - Warriors-loving young author

- Empty -

Last edited by iiucandyfloss (May 16, 2024 09:52:34)

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

100+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Not joining rn, but I hope this goes well! :)

The evil kumquats have rebelled and now they don't just eat signatures.
NOW THEY EAT YOUR «MY STUFF» AND OTHER 2.0 UI PAGES! triple click for more info. /j I just wanted to make fun of the bug. ngl would be funny to see people put this on their signatures. please fix this
Creator of The music finders shop, where you can get your favorite songs, without having to download from pesky websites! Highlight+shift+down to see more of my signature

My posts
My forum identifier:

Keep on being creative :)

Extra emojis

1000+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

jmdzti_0-0 wrote:

Not joining rn, but I hope this goes well! :)

Tysm for the support!

I highly recommend that you follow this forum so you can read all articles in future. Don't worry about unnecessary messages- this is where all finished stories go!

You can always support us by helping us with articles by giving us quotes and info based on the chosen subject.

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

100+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

iiucandyfloss wrote:

jmdzti_0-0 wrote:

Not joining rn, but I hope this goes well! :)

Tysm for the support!

I highly recommend that you follow this forum so you can read all articles in future. Don't worry about unnecessary messages- this is where all finished stories go!

You can always support us by helping us with articles by giving us quotes and info based on the chosen subject.
OK :)

The evil kumquats have rebelled and now they don't just eat signatures.
NOW THEY EAT YOUR «MY STUFF» AND OTHER 2.0 UI PAGES! triple click for more info. /j I just wanted to make fun of the bug. ngl would be funny to see people put this on their signatures. please fix this
Creator of The music finders shop, where you can get your favorite songs, without having to download from pesky websites! Highlight+shift+down to see more of my signature

My posts
My forum identifier:

Keep on being creative :)

Extra emojis

100+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Scratch Week has officially ended!

Please consider being a partner with my shop, The music finders. Your shop would be in the Partners' list!

The evil kumquats have rebelled and now they don't just eat signatures.
NOW THEY EAT YOUR «MY STUFF» AND OTHER 2.0 UI PAGES! triple click for more info. /j I just wanted to make fun of the bug. ngl would be funny to see people put this on their signatures. please fix this
Creator of The music finders shop, where you can get your favorite songs, without having to download from pesky websites! Highlight+shift+down to see more of my signature

My posts
My forum identifier:

Keep on being creative :)

Extra emojis

30 posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Hi! I would like to apply!

Username: @Prank179
Nickname: Prank
Activity level*: almost every day at 8:00 PM
Writing experience*: High level
Description (a few words next to your name) Young author
Do you agree to the Terms of Service: Yes!
1000+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Prank179 wrote:

Hi! I would like to apply!

Username: @Prank179
Nickname: Prank
Activity level*: almost every day at 8:00 PM
Writing experience*: High level
Description (a few words next to your name) Young author
Do you agree to the Terms of Service: Yes!

Hi, Prank! It's lovely to meet you. Would you like to apply for a Board of Directors position as well? i have added a new form for BoD positions.

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

30 posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Hi Candy! -Is that your nickname?- Yes I would love to apply for the BoD also.

BoD position you'd like: Editor
Why we should choose you for this role: Because I love correcting people on their grammar
Do you agree to the BoD promise: ☑ Yes!
1000+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Prank179 wrote:

Hi Candy! -Is that your nickname?- Yes I would love to apply for the BoD also.

BoD position you'd like: Editor
Why we should choose you for this role: Because I love correcting people on their grammar
Do you agree to the BoD promise: ☑ Yes!

Hi! And yes, Candy is my nickname.

Hi Prank. It is great that you are so excited for this role. However, an Editor of the SNF does not just correct people on grammar. It is a highly important role and there are a few things an Editor has to do.

Are you prepared to:

1. Handle structure of articles (Organise the articles)
2. Make art for articles

What I look for in people applying for this role is:

1. removed by me (I know you have this )
2. removed by me
3. removed by me

As of now, I can see that you like correcting grammar, which is great. Good critiquing skills are perfect for a journalist in the SNF.

My verdict:

I am very sorry to tell you that you have not been accepted for this position.

If you like, you can apply for any of the other roles, providing that you have a skill set that is required for the position.

Last edited by iiucandyfloss (May 15, 2024 06:06:04)

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

30 posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude with why I think I should be chosen.
And I apologize, but I feel like the only BoD position I would like to apply for is Editor and since I’m not good at organizing articles, I don’t think I would be good for a BoD position.
So, if you wouldn’t mind, I will not be applying for a BoD position.

Also, how do I *snip* a portion of the text?
1000+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Prank179 wrote:

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude with why I think I should be chosen.
And I apologize, but I feel like the only BoD position I would like to apply for is Editor and since I’m not good at organizing articles, I don’t think I would be good for a BoD position.
So, if you wouldn’t mind, I will not be applying for a BoD position.

Also, how do I *snip* a portion of the text?

Don't worry, you didn't come off as rude.

It's totally fine! Don't worry about it.

oh - snipping is when you quote a post but remove some bits from the quote so it isn't too long.

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

2 posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Hiya! I would like to apply for this!

Username: @superduperunicorny (don't ask)
Nickname: Call me Twinkle! Crystal is fine too, but I like Twinkle the most.
Activity level*: Very active, most active on Wednesdays, Mondays, and Fridays.
Writing experience*: Pretty high
Description (a few words next to your name) Warriors-loving young author
Do You agree to the Terms of Service?: Of course!

*{Twinkle is typing…}*

Bullying others is never the answer to your problems. Being kind to others is.

And reading Warriors, of course.

30 posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

@iiucandyfloss , thank you for understanding. Have a nice night!
1000+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

superduperunicorny wrote:

Hiya! I would like to apply for this!

Username: @superduperunicorny (don't ask)
Nickname: Call me Twinkle! Crystal is fine too, but I like Twinkle the most.
Activity level*: Very active, most active on Wednesdays, Mondays, and Fridays.
Writing experience*: Pretty high
Description (a few words next to your name) Warriors-loving young author
Do You agree to the Terms of Service?: Of course!

Hi! Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation. You are now an official member of the SNF.

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

2 posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

iiucandyfloss wrote:

superduperunicorny wrote:

Hiya! I would like to apply for this!

Username: @superduperunicorny (don't ask)
Nickname: Call me Twinkle! Crystal is fine too, but I like Twinkle the most.
Activity level*: Very active, most active on Wednesdays, Mondays, and Fridays.
Writing experience*: Pretty high
Description (a few words next to your name) Warriors-loving young author
Do You agree to the Terms of Service?: Of course!

Hi! Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation. You are now an official member of the SNF.

Thanks, and have a nice day!

*{Twinkle is typing…}*

Bullying others is never the answer to your problems. Being kind to others is.

And reading Warriors, of course.

1000+ posts

Welcome to the Scratch News Foundation! Quality journalism + more content! Join us today

Why is this on the Requests forum?
The Requests forum is for exchanging stuff for projects.
Shops are for giving people stuff for their projects, and the other topics are people asking for things.
This does not fit on the Requests forum.

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